Designed for your lifestyle and your goals.
Option 1: Customized plan for dietary needs or preferences
You have dietary restrictions, food allergies or intolerances
You want a plan with specific cooking styles- for example, all slow cooker
You want a plan with all the foods you like- created just for you!
You'd like a plan that includes dinners for the whole family but breakfasts and lunches just for you?
Customized plans all include a calendar, grocery list, nutrition information, and all recipes.
Prices start at $37 per weekly plan.
You are working towards a weight loss (or maintenance) goal for your health
You don't want to count calories or macros all day- you want someone to figure it out for you!
You want more focused nutrition coaching and education
You want to learn how to set yourself up for success in the long run
If you are interested in Option 2, I will calculate your calorie and macronutrient needs based on your specific goals and you'll get a tailored meal plan that fits them! This plan includes both electronic check ins and weekly 10-15 min check in calls.
Because this plan involves more in-depth coaching and we will be working to reach concrete goals, a 3 month commitment is required. Prices vary based on your needs. $320/month for plan and coaching; $50/week if macro only plan without coaching.
2021 Stacy Blattner Health. All Rights Reserved.